Over the past month, UC has notified a number of workers that they will need to return what UC claims are overpayments in relation to last year’s strike. This is a serious violation of the proper repayment process, and as unionized workers, we must ensure that none of us is arbitrarily targeted by UC’s actions. UC  has the legal right to collect repayments when workers are overpaid, but they must do so in a fair manner and are obligated to provide a payment plan. UC has repeatedly failed to meet this standard.

Union members all over the state have already filed grievances in response to UC’s attempts to recoup funds from workers earlier this year. The arbitrary, unfair and utterly disorganized process by which UC has attempted to collect repayment has not changed, and those grievances are now moving forward to arbitration. Data from this current round of overpayment notices will help win those grievances, so if you or someone you know has received notification from the University that you are required to repay funds, click on the button below to fill out the information form and another union member will reach out to you to provide support and discuss next steps.

Fill Out the Information Form

Once you have filled out the form, please respond to the University with as much of the following text as applies to your specific situation:

Dear UCPath,
I received a letter dated [DATE] asking me to repay the University [$X,XXX.XX] for an overpayment that I allegedly received during the strike back in November and December 2022. 
I have concerns regarding the accuracy of the purported overpayment amount, including:

There are no Employee Record Numbers listed
There is a discrepancy between hours and days denoted in the accounting chart
No deductions are reflected so that the “Net Overpayment” that I allegedly owe is equal to the “Total Gross Overpayment”
The letter also indicates that I will need the “Customer ID# located above,” yet no Customer ID# appears on the letter. 
The University’s attempt to now recoup this purported overpayment—more than eight months after the start of the strike—is unexpected and creates a significant financial hardship for me.  Nothing in the provisions referenced in the letter appear to require me to pay the University for its untimely errors.  The University’s mishandling of employee pay demonstrates its retaliation against employees for participating in the strike and its unlawful attempt to chill future protected concerted activity.
It is not clear to me whether I owe anything to UCPath, let alone the amount stated, based on the documents provided.  Please provide me with clarification and detailed supporting documentation so that I can verify the accuracy of the amount supposedly overpaid.  I reserve the right to take any and all actions necessary to ensure that my rights and remedies under the law and in equity regarding this matter are protected.  Thank you. 

It is a disappointing though entirely unsurprising development that almost eight months after our strike concluded, UC is still attempting to punish workers for exercising our rights as a unionized workforce. But academic workers know our power and we are not going to be deterred or intimidated from our work to make a more equitable UC.

In solidarity,

Rafael Jaime
President, UAW Local 2865

Sarah Arveson,
Vice President, UAW Local 5810