Our union is holding a Vacancy Election to fill vacant Executive Board and Joint Council positions. The nomination period starts today and ends on October 8, 2023, at 11:59pm PDT. The election will start at 12:01am PDT on October 23, 2023 and end at 7pm PDT on October 24, 2023.


The nomination period starts today, September 29, 2023, and ends on October 8, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT. All members who have been in continuous good standing for the required period prior to their acceptance are automatically nominated for each position. Members may accept nomination for no more than one Executive Board position and no more than one Joint Council position. Each member who wishes to accept nomination must indicate this intention by emailing a written acceptance to elections@uaw5810.org. In the written acceptance, please specify the position(s) you are accepting nomination for and how you wish your name to appear on the ballot. Members accepting nomination may also submit a candidate statement (up to 500 words). Written acceptance and optional candidate statements must be received via email no later than October 8, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT.

The election for all contested positions will take place between October 23, 2023 and October 24, 2023 via an online vote. All members in good standing at the time of the election are eligible to vote. Write-in candidates are not permitted. If any position is uncontested, the candidate shall be considered elected and no election for that position will be held. All candidates for contested Executive Board and Joint Council positions must be elected by majority of valid ballots cast for that position. All positions will be elected via online vote. A runoff election, if necessary, will be held at a later date via an online vote.

Further details of the roles of elected Executive Board and Joint Council members and the election procedures may be found in our bylaws, of which a copy is available online at https://uaw5810.org/bylaws

All UAW Local 5810 members in continuous good standing for one year prior to accepting nominations are automatically nominated for the following currently vacant Executive Board offices, with terms ending May 2024.

Nominated and elected by the statewide Postdoc Unit membership
1 Member At Large

Nominated and elected by the statewide Academic Researcher Unit membership
1 Member At Large

All UAW Local 5810 members in continuous good standing for 45 days prior to accepting nominations are automatically nominated by campus for the following currently vacant Joint Council offices, with terms ending May 2024. Joint Council offices are nominated and elected by Postdoc campus membership for Postdoc positions and by Academic Researcher campus membership for Academic Researcher Positions.

Postdoc Unit

1 Head Steward

1 Campus Chair
1 Head Steward

1 Head Steward

1 Campus Chair
1 Recording Secretary 

1 Campus Chair
1 Recording Secretary

San Diego
1 Recording Secretary

Santa Barbara
1 Recording Secretary

Academic Researcher Unit

1 Recording Secretary

1 Recording Secretary
1 Head Steward

1 Recording Secretary
2 Head Stewards

Los Angeles
1 Recording Secretary

1 Campus Chair
1 Recording Secretary

Santa Barbara
1 Campus Chair
1 Recording Secretary

To be eligible to run for a delegate position, you must have been a member of the UAW (the International Union, of which our local is a part) for 12 months, and that membership must have been in our local, UAW 5810, for at least the last 3 months. All delegates are nominated and elected by the Local Union membership. All eligible members are automatically nominated for the following position:

1 delegate to the UAW Constitutional Convention

QUESTIONS? Contact the Elections Committee at elections@uaw5810.org.

In solidarity,

UAW 5810 Elections Committee
Sydney Campbell, UCLA
Raul Rodriguez, UC Berkeley
Matthew Wright, LBNL
Kristine Grace Cabugao, UCSD
Kieren Marini, UCSF
Katie Uckele, UCSC