The LBL Project Scientist contract ratification vote came to a close on Friday.  The final tally was 39 votes in favor and 0 against. As of the ratification vote, the Academic Researcher contract and  LBL Side Letter are now in effect and will expire on September 30, 2027. You can read a comparison of before and after the contract here and a salary explainer here. Congratulations on winning your first contract and welcome to UAW Local 5810! 

Sign up for Membership and Strengthen Your Union
Having a contract in place is only part of making sure Project Scientists’ rights are protected. If you haven’t yet done so, take a minute right now to join your union. Each and every new member makes academic workers more powerful!

The more Project Scientists participate in your union, the more collective power you have. Our ability to enforce the many rights and protections we’ve won and expand them in the future depends on every Project Scientist becoming a Union member.

Click here to sign up as a member now.

In solidarity,

UAW 5810 Executive Board

Neal Sweeney, President
Sarah M. Arveson, Vice President
Adam Caparco, Financial Secretary
Joyce Chan, Recording Secretary
Shilo (Qing) Xia, Trustee
Laurel Lucia, Trustee
Tim Kodalle, Trustee
James Boocock, Sergeant At Arms
Tanya Gupta, Member At Large
Sian Rodríguez Rosado, Member At Large
Mia Carmen Villegas, Guide