Postdoc Childcare Resources

In our 2022 contract negotiations and strike, Postdocs fought for and won childcare reimbursements! Postdocs at the University of California are eligible to receive childcare reimbursements of up to $2500 per calendar year (January 1 – December 31) for dependents.

How to Apply:

    1. Gather your receipts and/or an invoice from your childcare provider.
    2. Click here to download the Postdoc Childcare Reimbursement Form (UBEN 255), which is required by most campuses.
    3. Submit your completed form and receipts to the appropriate office for your campus. Find your campus’s instructions below. Your reimbursement shall be processed no later than 30 calendar days from the date you submit your for reimbursement. If it is not, please email

Reimbursement Periods:

Dates Expenses Incurred

Submission Deadline Date

January 1 – March 31

Submit no later than April 30

April 1 – June 30

Submit no later than July 31

July 1 – September 30

Submit no later than October 31

October 1 – December 31

Submit no later than January 31

Postdoc Childcare Reimbursement Instructions by Campus


Submission Process for Postdoc Childcare Reimbursement Program


Postdocs can submit receipts for reimbursement by filling out the UBEN 255 form and submit using this form.

UC Berkeley

Submit the completed UBEN 255 Form along with supporting receipts/ documentation to UCB HR’s Service Hub system at for non-ERSO regions and for the ERSO region to ERSO HR at The ERSO regions are as follows: College of Engineering, College of Environmental Design, Computing, Data Science & Society, Mathematical & Physical Sciences Division. A copy of the UBEN 255 Form should also be submitted to your hiring department personnel office.

UC Davis

Submit the completed UBEN 255 form and receipts/documentation to UC Davis – Graduate Studies, Academic Personnel Team at

UC Irvine

Submit the UBEN 255 form along with the childcare receipts to your hiring department.

UC Los Angeles

Submit the UBEN 255 form along with the childcare receipts to your hiring department.

UC Merced

Submit the UBEN 255 form along with the childcare receipts to

UC Riverside

Submit the UBEN 255 form along with the childcare receipts to your hiring department.

UC San Francisco

Submitting receipts will be through the MyExpense system, more information is here.

UC San Diego

Submit the UBEN 255 form plus required receipts/documentation to In the e-mail Subject Line, enter Postdoc Childcare Reimbursement. In the body of the email indicate if the reimbursement request is for 1) Eligible Childcare Provider and/or 2) Professional Travel Childcare Expense Program More details can be found here.

UC Santa Barbara

Submit the UBEN 255 form along with the childcare receipts to your hiring department.

UC Santa Cruz

Complete UCSC's Postdoctoral Scholar Childcare Reimbursement interim form via Docusign. More information can be found here.