Status of international travel

Many Postdocs and ARs will be traveling to visit family and friends in the next couple of weeks, and some of us will travel internationally. Just a reminder to keep a close eye on regulations for the country you’re traveling to, and to the travel requirements for returning to the US. A new Presidential Proclamation recently suspended the entry of non-US citizens who were physically present within the following countries during the 14-day period preceding their entry: Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. And you can find up-to-date information on travel from other countries on the US State Department’s travel website.

In addition, a federal court recently ruled that it is unlawful for the US State Department to deny visas to individuals from countries subject to regional travel restrictions and who aren’t eligible for, or don’t have, a National Interest Exception. If you are presently affected by the travel ban, please contact us at

International Scholar issues in Postdoc and AR contract negotiations
Postdocs are bargaining now and ARs will start bargaining in May 2022. Given that international scholars make up a large percentage of UC Postdocs and Academic Researchers, issues that affect international scholars are front and center. Here’s a tracker that includes our union’s proposals from Postdoc bargaining, and if you’re an Academic Researcher, please fill out a bargaining survey here. If you’re interested in getting involved with bargaining, simply reply to this email.

Join the International Scholars Working Group in 2022!
Join our working group to meet with other Postdocs and Academic Researchers from across the state to discuss the latest updates on international travel and visas, contribute to peer-support work, and bring our issues to the attention of our Congressional representatives and government officials. Reply to this email for the details on the next virtual meeting.

If you have a question, or would like to hear about other Postdocs’ and ARs’ experiences, please email

Happy holidays!

UAW Local 5810 International Scholars Working Group

David Blackman, UC San Diego
Mehmet Doğan, UC Berkeley
Daniel Karmelic, UC San Francisco
Ludovica Luisa Vissat, UC Berkeley
Ingrid Padilla Espinosa, UC Merced
Jacob Porter, UC Santa Cruz
Juan Camilo Sánchez Arcila, UC Merced
Charlene Smith-Geater, UC Irvine
Izel Tekin, UC Santa Barbara
Edoardo Zoni, LBNL