Earlier today the Supreme Court officially released an opinion which overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that has protected the right to choose to have an abortion. This decision is an assault on women’s equality, bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice, and will have far-reaching public health, economic, and social consequences.

Here is a list of actions taking place near UC campuses (for additional info or to find other actions, click here):

The time is now to demonstrate that regardless of this decision, we will not accept any attack on reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. Our most powerful ability to respond comes from joining together and taking rapid, unified action. As part of the labor movement, we can and should play an active role in responding to today’s SCOTUS decision. This is how we won Roe v. Wade in the first place – huge movements of regular working people, including strikes, unionization efforts, collective actions, campaigns to fight sexism in the workplace, and more.

Since a draft of the decision was leaked earlier this month, UAW 5810 members have been joining with others to build coalition, solidarity, and collective power in our local communities and beyond. If you would like to join these continuing efforts, please respond to this email to get involved.

In solidarity,

UAW 5810 Executive Board
Neal Sweeney – President
Sarah Arveson – Vice President
Diogo Lourenço – Financial Secretary
Alex Blacutt – Recording Secretary
Adam Caparco – Trustee
Maike Roth – Trustee
Gerard Arino-Estrada – Guide
Charisse Winston – Sergeant At Arms
Tina Bakolitsa – Member At Large (Academic Researchers)
Stephanie Chacon – Member At Large (Postdocs)