Get your amalgamation vote questions answered

From October 10th to the 20th, members of UAW 2865 and UAW 5810 will be voting on whether to amalgamate UAW 2865 and UAW 5810 into one big local union. The executive boards of both locals have voted unanimously to endorse amalgamation. This historic decision is now in...

Summer 2022 Vacancy and Delegate Election Results

We are pleased to present you with the following list of newly elected UAW Local 5810 officers. As of the close of the nomination period at 5pm PT on Aug 24th, 2022, no more than one (1) member accepted nomination for the following positions. The candidates, being UAW...

Nominations for UAW 5810 Vacancy Election

Your union is holding a Vacancy Election to fill vacant Executive Board and Joint Council positions. The nomination period starts today and ends on Aug 24, 2022, at 5pm PDT. The election will take place on September 7, 2022. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONSAll UAW 5810...

Spring 2022 Vacancy and Delegate Election Results

We are writing to you with information on the Spring 2022 Vacancy and Delegate Election. There is one contested position, and the election will proceed as planned on Wednesday, June 1st, 2022. The election will take place for the following position: San Diego Postdoc...