by uaw5810 | Jul 14, 2023 | Fighting Discrimination and Harassment, San Diego, Updates
Starting at 7:30 AM on July 19th, academic workers will rally outside the UC Regents meeting at UCSF’s Rutter Center (Mission Bay campus) to demand that UC drop the charges against the three UAW members at UCSD and implement our contracts. RSVP here: Click Here to...
by uaw5810 | Jul 5, 2023 | Fighting Discrimination and Harassment, San Diego, Updates
Late last week, two graduate students and a Postdoc at UCSD were arrested and charged with felonies for writing messages in washable sidewalk chalk at a peaceful protest. Workers were pushing UC to raise GSR appointments to 50% and stop delaying raises that should...
by uaw5810 | Aug 26, 2022 | Fighting Discrimination and Harassment, San Diego, Updates
I write to share this letter from Dr. Li Jiang, a Postdoc at UCSD whose story was recently covered in NBC News and Inside Higher Ed. After raising allegations of data falsification in her lab, Li was told by her PI that her Postdoc appointment would not be renewed as...
by uaw5810 | Jun 24, 2022 | Fighting Discrimination and Harassment, Updates
Earlier today the Supreme Court officially released an opinion which overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that has protected the right to choose to have an abortion. This decision is an assault on women’s equality, bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice, and...
by uaw5810 | Jun 23, 2022 | Fighting Discrimination and Harassment, Updates
While Academic Researchers, Postdocs, TAs, Tutors, Readers and Student Researchers are all fighting at the bargaining table to make UC a more fair and equitable workplace, UAW members are also fighting to fix the broken higher education system by canceling...
by uaw5810 | Mar 24, 2022 | Bargaining, Fighting Discrimination and Harassment, Postdoc Bargaining 2021
Bargaining Update from 3/23We had a bargaining session yesterday on Wednesday, 3/23. UC’s bargaining team first made us wait half an hour (25% of our scheduled session) before they ultimately arrived at the bargaining table with no proposals despite having over 3...